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Wallets are digital accounts that store, manage, and facilitate transactions in different currencies.Wallet can be either Customer Wallet or Organization Wallet, where Organization Wallet is automatically created for the Merchant post onboarding.

Customer Wallets are only created for those Customers who are "Wallet Ready", that is creation information is complete.

All Wallets

This section lays out information on all the Wallets created by the Merchant on Finmo Platform, both Organization and Customer Levels.

Create Wallet

This enables the creation of Wallets for Wallet Ready Customers. It also informs the missing information for Customers on whom Wallets cannot be created, thus the Merchant is aware about the missing information of Customers.

Wallet Transactions

It displays the transactions happening on wallets, both Credit and Debit types. Merchants can choose to view transactions per customer per wallet, thus enabling them to go to a much more granular level.