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Getting Started

Finmo provides a collection of APIs that enable you to process and manage your payments. Our platform provides the most relevant pay-in and pay-out methods in each market suitable for any type of business from e-commerce, to SaaS, to marketplaces and financial services platforms.

Finmo APIs accept JSON request bodies and return JSON-encoded bodies with standard HTTP response codes. All the requests should be sent with Content-Type: application/json header otherwise the request may fail with status code 406. You can consume the APIs directly using your favorite HTTP/REST library or use our No-Code solutions through the Finmo Dashboard. We have a testing environment called sandbox, which you can sign up for to test API calls without affecting live data or our partner networks such as banks, schemes, and more.

To make it easier to get familiar with our APIs, we've published a Postman Collection so that you can see examples of all Finmo APIs in one place.

If you need more guidance on APIs or have any specific questions or feedback on our APIs, you can reach out to our Support team. We would love to hear from you.

Try API with Postman

You can download, import and run the Finmo Postman Collection.

You can download the Environment variable collection .

In your Postman environment, you will need to define the FINMO_ACCESS_KEY and FINMO_SECRET_KEY variables.

Integration Environments


The production platform for payments is a commercial platform that processes actual monetary transactions. Its recommended to do a Production verification test after your integration testing is complete in sandbox.


The sandbox is a test environment for use by our merchants. Use this environment for all testing and demonstrations. Data produced in a sandbox will not be shared with other merchants.

There are some limitations of the sandbox simulator to completely mimic the behavior of the production environment. Sandbox is mostly to facilitate integration and simulate completion of a transaction and invoke various webhook notifications to you. For example, if you generate a Virtual Account you can simulate and 'add funds' to a virtual account.

Base URL

Finmo uses one endpoint for both Sandbox & Production. The API key you use to authenticate the request determines whether the request is in production or sandbox mode.

EnvironmentBase URL


All the Finmo API requests of HTTP method POST, PATCH & PUT require Content-Type: application/json header, otherwise the request may fail with status code 406 - Not Acceptable.

EnvironmentHeader NameValue

User Roles

Finmo provides three types of User Roles and Accesses to use our Dashboards and APIs.

  1. Admin: Users with the "Admin" Role have all the access and can consume all the modules, both in Sandbox and Production Environment.
  2. Read-Only: Users with the "Read-Only" Role can only view the dashboard and the modules, but cannot create any Payin, Payout, Wallets, or other modules.
  3. Developer: Users with the "Developer" Role have full Sandbox access to the Dashboard, thus they can consume the Sandbox environment for integration and exploration.