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Multi Currency Customer Wallet Accounts

Once the customer’s details are complete and verified, GCA activation can be triggered by the merchant. The customer's is_wallet_ready status must be set to true to ensure all prechecks for GCA activation are complete.

Activation and Deactivation

  • True (is_gca_enabled = true): Activates GCA, granting the customer access to multi-currency transactions (payin, payout and conversion).

  • False (is_gca_enabled = false): Deactivates GCA, removing customer access and deleting related Virtual Accounts. Once the GCA is deactivated, any further upcoming funds loaded into the associated VA will not be accepted and are expected to return to the sender.

GCA Activation Parameters

is_gca_enabledBooleantrue / falseIndicates whether GCA is enabled for the customer
gca_activation_statusStringNOT_STARTED, APPROVAL_PENDING, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETEDIndicates the current activation status of the GCA process

Webhook Notifications

Finmo will notify you about the status of GCA activation and Virtual Account updates via webhooks. You can configure a static webhook listener URL via the dashboard.


Once a Virtual Account is created for the customer, Finmo will trigger a VA_CREATED webhook. This webhook includes the initial is_active status of the VA. If is_active = false, it indicates that the VA is not yet ready to be used.


When the customer's GCA activation process is triggered, Finmo will send a CUSTOMER_UPDATED webhook. This will inform you of changes in the following key details:

is_gca_enabledBoolean indicating that GCA is enabled (true)
gca_activation_statusStatus of the GCA activation process, which will be COMPLETED
gca_activated_atDate and time when GCA was successfully activated


If the initial VA is created with is_active = false, Finmo will send a VA_UPDATED webhook once the VA becomes active (is_active = true). This ensures that the customer can start using the VA.

You may receive multiple VA_CREATED and VA_UPDATED webhooks depending on the number of currencies supported.

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