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Check if customer is-wallet-ready

Establish a Finmo wallet for a customer, which functions similarly to a traditional bank account, though it is subject to local compliance regulations concerning e-money account issuance. The wallet feature enable customers to deposit funds securely with Finmo, which are safeguarded by our banking partners.

In accordance with local regulations regarding account issuance, Finmo must capture and verify the identity of the individual for whom the wallet is created.

While creating a wallet for a customer if an error is encountered, indicating that the customer is not WALLET-READY, then update the customer object with the necessary information. The API response will specify the missing fields required for wallet creation.

This API assists in determining whether a customer is eligible for a wallet. If not, it will provide guidance on the specific details that need to be captured prior to wallet issuance.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!